Kelly Humps and Tow Straps!

It's the SEEGO show!
Try it backwards in two wheel drive with no hands and your hat over your eyes....
Looking for more fun...
This is the reason why tree huggers hate us offroaders so much. We don't seem to stay on the road.

This is what we think of tree huggers....

I have a funny video to post here soon. (You know what soon stands for don't you)

What's the matter Will, did he park funny for you?
Out of the way! I think there were like 30 horses that came up the trail. CRAZY! AND of course they are watching as Kelly is going up the hill side LOL!
Just thought I would zoom in on the horse, not the bald spot. Promise...
Nice parking.
Those rockers will never be the same... and your frame is bent too. Bummer man!

Here comes the fun part. I know this group of people that used highlift jacks to pop the weld on this gate some time ago, but I will never tell you who it was.


Apparently they gave up on gates and went with dirt.

The rationale must be, if you can make it, you can be there.



you nut!

Kelly made short work of it. Though he did put those tires to the test when he came nose down. WOW swampers on beadlocks are tough!

Tom attempting to grind down the hill for the Ford.

He has it in front wheel only.

After getting over the hump, he doesn't want to rip his exhaust off. I don't blame him!


BUT where are you going to go?
